
Friday, May 11, 2012

Kaspersky KLMover

If you have Kaspersky Anti-Virus in your organization, here are the switches you can use with the klmover.exe to control the Network Agent.

The utility is started via command prompt and has the following switches:

klmover [-logfile LOGFILE] [-address SERVER_ADDRESS] [-pn NON_SSL_PORT] [-ps SSL_PORT] [-nossl] [-cert CERTIFICATE] [-silent] [- dupfix]

-logfile LOGFILE - create a utility run log. By default, the information will be stored in the stdout.tx file; if run without this switch, error messages will be displayed on the screen;

-address SERVER_ADDRESS - new Administration server name. Can contain IP address, NetBIOS or DNS name;

-pn NON_SSL_PORT - indicates to Network agent an Administration server port for establishing a non-secure connection. This switch is optional; the default port is 14000;

-ps SSL_PORT - indicates to Network agent an Administration server port for establishing a secure connection. This switch is optional; the default port is 13000;

-nossl - connect to Administration server using a non-secure connection, Without this switch, Network agent will connect to Administration server using the secure SSL protocol.

-cert CERTIFICATE - new Administration server certificate file path. This switch is optional;

-silent - silent mode.

-dupfix - this switch is obligatory if you installed Network agent by some alternative method (e.g. restore from a system image) instead of using a distribution package.

For example:
klmover -address admsrv -logfile klmover.log

The utility should be run on a problematic host just once. Multiple execution of the utility on a host will result in appearance of duplicate file names in Kaspersky Administration Kit console.

Original Website:

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